308 Pine Street
Burlington, VT 05401
802.860.2866 - Fax 802.860.7411
Email Verve@together.net
Under the personal direction of Gary Chassman, Verve Editions provides consulting services to photographers and aspiring authors in the conceptual, and editorial development and ultimate realization of publication of their work.
Consulting services are offered on an hourly basis, and all fees are invoiced directly to the client. There are no additional hidden charges or expenses. Services provided include:
Extended meeting/discussion to refine and clarify concept
Edit visual material
Identify possible contributors for foreword, introduction and accompanying essay
Contact possible contributors
Conclude agreements with contributor(s)
Draft detailed outline of contents/chapters Market research of general subject matter Create marketing positioning statement
Identify possible exhibition venues
Determine specifications for book
Secure bulking dummies of book
Identify competitive books